Soviet Union SA-2 "Guidline" surface-to-air missile system | Military weapons,Modern weapons,3D model downloads,3D printing,free 3D model materials,obj,glTF,fbx,dae,stl,3ds,glb,usdz,3dmax,blender model downloads,VisionPro,3D modeling,3D scanning,3D images,3D stereoscopic paintings
Soviet Union SA-2 "Guidline" surface-to-air missile system

Soviet Union SA-2 "Guidline" surface-to-air missile system


ID:26002 200
6 Coin
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The Soviet Union called S-75Dvina, a medium-high altitude surface-to-air missile system. Since its first deployment in 1957, it has become one of the most widely deployed and used anti-aircraft missiles in history. Designed to defend against fixed targets and field forces, it is primarily aimed at small aircraft formations rather than large-scale air strikes. With a two-stage solid fuel booster, it can reach a top speed of 1864 mph, a range of 30 miles, and a shot height of more than 60,000 feet. The missile warhead weighs about 434 pounds and can be equipped with proximity, contact and command fuses, and some models can even be equipped with a nuclear warhead.