Mech in the animated series Mobile Suit Gundam: ASW-G-XX Gundam
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Mobile Suit Gundam Series
Mobile Suit Gundam
Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron Blooded Orfens
Mech 3D model
Gao Dawidar
The copyright of the 3D model belongs to the original author and the material may not be distributed, published, transmitted, copied, rented, resold or compiled in any form.
ASW-G-XX Gundam is a Gundam skeleton MS obtained by modifying the ASW-G-66 Gundam Seymour Cavalry model and adjusting the operational data of the trial ASW-G-XK scratch after fighting bravely outside of Edmonton. After the Battle of Edmond, Galileo Baldwin changed his name to "Vidal" and the aircraft he piloted was named "Vidal", which comes from the Norse mythology of Vidal and is known as the "God of Revenge". "God of Revenge" perfectly embodies the image of the aircraft and the vengeful mentality of the pilots.