Border Collie
pet dog
Pet dog breeds
Medium sized pet dog
Border Collie
Border Collie
Border collie
Common breeds of sheepdogs
Dogs with higher intelligence
Common breeds of domestic dogs
Border collie Pictures
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The Border Collie is a carnivorous mammal belonging to the family Canidae and the genus Wolf. The origin of the Border Collie can be traced back to the 5th century BC to the 1st century BC. Border Collies are intelligent, lively, and emotional, suitable for living outdoors and require a lot of exercise. The intelligence of a Border Collie is equivalent to that of a 6-8 year old child, ranking first among over 100 dog breeds. The Border Collie has a strong instinct for shepherding and can drive the flock to move or rotate through eye contact. It has been regarded as a sheepdog for many years; Secondly, due to his gentle and loyal personality, he was once the favorite of urban households.