British HMS Hood (hull number 51) battlecruiser | Military vehicles,warship,The Royal Navy of the United Kingdom,Maritime vehicle,3D model downloads,3D printing,free 3D model materials,obj,glTF,fbx,dae,stl,3ds,glb,usdz,3dmax,blender model downloads,VisionPro,3D modeling,3D scanning,3D images,3D stereoscopic paintings
British HMS Hood (hull number 51) battlecruiser

British HMS Hood (hull number 51) battlecruiser


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It is a general-class battlecruiser of the British Royal Navy, named after the 18th century British Admiral Samuel Hood. The construction was ordered under the War Emergency Response Act of 1916. The original plan was to build four ships. However, due to the problems exposed by the design of British warships in the Battle of Jutland, the construction of subsequent ships was canceled. Only the Hood was completed, becoming the last battlecruiser of the British Royal Navy. It is one of the largest and most powerful warships in Britain and even in the world. It is known as the "Almighty Hood" and has become the symbol and pride of the Royal Navy.