The Denard currency during the Roman Republic period
Roman currency Denar
Roman currency Antoninian
Silver Tapping of Karshapana during the Peacock Dynasty
Gottfried Marshall Memorial Medal
Emperor Joseph recites the seal in the first century
18th Century Gilded Gold and Silver Medal Commemorative Medal
Karl Liebertner Memorial Medal
Trajanas Coin
Alexander the Great's Drachma Silver Coin
Greek King Heraeus Drachma Silver Coin
In 1928, during the Soviet era, the currency was 0.5 kobi
In 1991, the currency of the Soviet Union was 5 kopecies
1699 Old Swiss Confederation Medal 3 Taylor Commemorative Coins
During the 1920s, the Soviet currency was 1 ruble
In 1922, the Soviet currency was 1 ruble
The 50 Sentesimo silver coin issued by Uruguay in 1869
The currency issued by Paraguay in 1869 was the 2 Real silver coin
1897 Mexican currency 1 peso (Eagle Ocean)
The currency issued by England in 1793 was 1 penny for George III
The Victory Goddess gold coin issued by Mexico in 1917
1907 Saint Gaudens $20 gold coin
In 1941, the Soviet currency was 3 kopecies
During the 1925 period, the Soviet currency was 10 kopecies